
Black Chia Seed

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53.00 AED

53.00 AED

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Black Chia Seed

Black chia seeds are very nutritious and have a great taste. They come from the Salvia hispanica plant, which is native to South America in Central or Southern Mexico. Seen as the miraculous food of Aztec warriors for their endurance and stamina during battles, black chia seed is more than just an ancient tradition.

Black Chias not only pack protein but also contain loads of fiber that will keep your stomach feeling full all day long!

Origin: South America, Central America

Flavor profile: mild nutty flavor that complements sweet flavors

Used in: Black chia seeds, which are rich in proteins and minerals like calcium can be sprinkled on cereal or mixed into a smoothie.

Health benefits: help fight fatigue and stress, anti-inflammatory properties, good source of protein


1 Kg, 300g, 500g