
Spearmint Leaves

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Spearmint Leaves

This herb has a rich history dating back to ancient Greece. Its name comes from the word ‘eidiosmos’, which means ‘pleasant smell’, and it is a ‘close relative’ of mint. Spearmint has always been used for both culinary and medicinal purposes. In the kitchen, it adds flavour and aroma to a variety of dishes. In traditional medicine, it was known for its rejuvenating properties.

Through the centuries, spearmint has managed to maintain its place in culture and cuisine. From ancient Greek symposia to modern kitchens, its presence is constant. Today, it continues to be a beloved ally in healthy eating and natural healing.

Spearmint’s rich composition of vitamins and minerals, as well as its antioxidant properties, make it an extremely beneficial herb for nutrition and health.

Benefit of Spearmint Leaves

  • Soothes the digestive system: Spearmint has anti-inflammatory and soothing properties that can help relieve digestive disorders such as indigestion, heartburn and bloating.
  • Against respiratory problems: This herb is traditionally used to relieve colds and respiratory problems. Inhaling boiled mint steam can help relieve coughing and nasal congestion.
  • Relief from stress: Spearmint is also traditionally known as an herbal analgesic and sedative, which can help reduce anxiety and tension.
  • Antioxidant activity: Spearmint contains plant compounds such as tannins and flavonoids, which have antioxidant properties that can protect cells from oxidative damage.

Before adding new ingredients or treatments to your daily routine, it is always wise to seek the advice of your doctor.

How to make a spearmint tea and what to be careful of:


  1. Preparation of mint:

If using dried mint, measure about a teaspoon for each cup of tea.

  1. Heat the water:

Heat water to a temperature of 90°C (We estimate one cup to be about 250 ml of water).

  1. Infusing spearmint:

Put the mint in a teapot or cup.

Add hot water.

Allow the mint to steep for about 5-10 minutes, keeping your pot covered.

  1. Drain:

Drain the tea to remove the mint leaves.

  1. Additions (optional):

Add honey or lemon for extra flavor, if desired.


1 Kg, 100g, 200g, 300g